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Zgłaszający Eksponat:
Sue Palmer
podziel się z innymi:

—– Original Message —–
From: S Palmer
To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 2:10 PM
Subject: Assistance with translation of a document from 1925 > PolGenForum Help Room

Hello everyone and thanks to Tad for the suggestion to post here. We found this certificate in some papers that belonged to Dziadziu, Roman Sowa. Dziadziu was born in the US in 1905. His family moved back to Dembowiec in 1907. When the Russian army began conscripting men from Dembowiec, Dziadziu made the decision to return to the US. I have not yet found his immigration record, but he always said he came through Quebec although his passport is stamped “Hull Immigration Officer”. We are stumped on Hull (located on the border of Quebec and Ontario) as this was not an immigration station, but I am moving away from the document, sorry! The scan is an accurate copy of the original, it looks like Dziadziu carried this document perhaps in a wallet as some of the words are smudged.

Another member of the Poland Genealogy forum, Jan £ukasiewicz, very kindly translated a bit of the document. Due to my very mangled transcription, most words could not be translated. He advised he believes this is what a portion of the document reads when translated:

1. Powiatowa Komenda Uzupelnieñ w Sanoku
( District Command for Recruitment- where new soldiers are registered)

2. Zaœwiadczenie ( certificate )

4. Urodzony w roku, zamieszkaly ( born in the year, living in – place where somebody lives )

7. Jest obywatelem Rzeczypolspolitej Polskiej ( citizen of the Republic of Poland )

Thank you to everyone! This is a wonderful and invaluable site.

Sue Palmer


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